PAST EVENT – Trees Please – Planting day
Read more about this event here
SUNDAY 25 AUGUST 2019 AT 2 pm
Sir Hans Heysen had a great love of gum trees… many of his favourites are featured in his masterpieces. He was an avid conservationist and a founding member of the South Australian Forest League which was formed in 1913 to help save remnant native vegetation. He purchased most of the land (about 60 hectares) at The Cedars, (his home near Hahndorf), for the sole purpose of saving trees.
To commemorate Heysen’s battles to save the trees in Handhorf area, there will be a tree planting at The Cedars, Heysen Road Hahndorf, on Sunday 25 August at 2 pm. This will be our twenty-second year of plantings and now several thousand new “big gums” and other local native trees and shrubs are thriving at The Cedars, helping to clean the air, improving the water catchment area and providing food and shelter for native birds and wildlife.
You can participate by either attending the planting or sponsoring a tree. All proceeds go to Trees Please! Inc. (the Landscape group working at The Cedars), and the names of all participants and sponsors will be entered in the special register.
If you have any questions, please phone Trevor Curnow on 0411 401 416
Big Gum planting 2019 is supported by the District Council of Mount Barker